The Fundamentals of School Security 學校安全的基礎
Periodic, routine security assessment can provide an objective review "without the denial often present before a serious incident or the overreaction that typically follows a crisis," says Kenneth S. Trump (1999).
“一個對於防護措施具有週期性和習慣性的評估可以提供一個「屏除在嚴重事故發生前常會有的否定或是在事故發生後典型的過度反應」的客觀的檢討。” Kenneth S.Trump,1999年說。
Checklist surveys are helpful assessment tools. Ronald D. Stephens (1995) provides model checklists covering areas ranging from physical security and procedures to emergency preparedness. George E. Richards (1997) suggests involving parents, students, law-enforcement and community representatives, and school staff in creating or adapting checklist surveys to the specific needs of a district and each of its buildings. Stephens recommends annually reviewing all aspects of a school-safety plan.
清單式的勘測是一個有助於評估的工具。Ronald D. Stephens (1995) 提供了清單的模型,當中內容包含了對於硬體設備的安全及緊急事故應對的流程。George E. Richards (1997) 建議要加入家長、學生、法律機關、民意代表以及學校員工的意見來設計符合該地區或是建築物的清單。而Stephens是建議每年檢視校園安全計畫的每一個項目。
A security assessment by an independent consultant has several advantages. An independent specialist brings objectivity and credibility as well as expertise, and can give professional validation to existing security measures as well as recommend improvements. Seeking an outside opinion demonstrates a district's openness and commitment to safety and may reduce liability (Trump). It is important to check the credentials and references of prospective consultants and make sure they are not associated with particular security product vendors (Richards, Trump).
透過獨立的顧問進行防護措施的評估有幾個好處。一個獨立專家可以帶來客觀的並且有信用的蒲估和專業的知識,也可以確認已經存在的防護措施及設備是否符合需求甚至給予改善的建議。尋找外來的一件顯是說這麼區裕的公開性和是如此忠於安全、也會減少一些負面的影響(Trump)。要確認顧問的證書和信評,並且要確定他們沒有與特定防護措的廠商有關係(Richards, Trump)。
To target security efforts where they are most needed, an analysis of school-crime data can identify patterns in crime types, locations, and perpetrators. Surveys of parents, staff, and students can yield information on unreported crimes and other problematic behaviors (Stephens).
Recent tragedies involving guns and bombs have prompted many school districts to consider adding high-tech hardware to their traditional lock-and-alarm systems.
Metal detectors are an expensive and controversial option. Their potential usefulness for a given school depends on many factors, including the severity of weapons problems, the availability of funds for staff and training, the physical design of buildings, and possible negative effects on school atmosphere.
Hand-held detectors are less expensive and intrusive than walk-through models, and their portability permits random checks. They are particularly effective in keeping weapons out of events that take place in a confined space, notes National Alliance for Safe Schools Director Peter Blauvelt. Other high-tech security measures include photo ID systems, which may be tied into school computer databases, and closed-circuit television cameras (HADG 1999).
手持的偵測器比通過式的模型便宜也比較容易做詳細的檢查。它的可攜性提供作隨機檢查的選擇。尤其是想要防止武器出現在狹隘空間中時特別有效,National Alliance for Safe Schools (全國安全學校同盟) 執行長 Peter Blauvelt說到。其他高科技產品,像是照相認證系統,是可以與學校的電腦系統作連結的,或是封閉式的監視系統。
2011년 6월 14일 화요일
2011년 6월 8일 수요일
Conflict Resolution Education: Four Approaches 衝突解決教育:四種方法
Evaluations of the impact of the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP) in four multiracial, multiethnic school districts in New York City showed that 84 percent of teachers who responded to a survey reported positive changes in classroom climate, 71 percent reported moderate or significant decreases in physical violence in the classroom, and 66 percent observed less name-calling and few verbal insults. More than 98 percent of respondents said that mediation gave children a significant tool for handling conflicts.
Program (RCCP)在紐約四所多人種的和多民族的學校區的結果顯示出大約百分之八十四的老師們在一份問卷中表示在教室的氣氛中有正面積極的改變,百分之七十一顯示出在教室中生理上的暴力有節制或是明顯的減少,還有百分之六十六觀察出越來越少的辱罵和較少的口頭羞辱。更有超過百分之九十八的回答的人說調解是小孩們在處理衝突時一項重要的工具。
According to the "Conflict Resolution Education" report, the purposes of conflict resolution are to provide an environment in which "each learner can feel physically and psychologically free from threats and danger and can find opportunities to work and learn with others for the mutual achievement of all. The diversity of the school's population is respected and celebrated."
The report offers negotiation, mediation, and consensus of decision making as the three essential processes of conflict resolution. It goes on to define four basic approaches to conflict resolution education:
· Process Curriculum. This approach is characterized by teaching conflict resolution as a separate course, a distinct curriculum, or a daily lesson plan.
· 教育過程---這個方法的特徵是教育課程在教導解決衝突中是一個獨立的課程,一個不同的教育,或是一份一整天的教學計畫。
· Mediation Program. Selected individuals (adults and/or students) are trained in the principles of conflict resolution and mediation to provide neutral third-party input to assist others in reaching resolution to a conflict
· 調解計畫---在解決衝突的原則當中,選擇獨立的個體(成人和/或學生)是必要的訓練,而且調解可以提供一個第三集會的投入在一個衝突中來增加解決,還有來幫助其他人。
· Peaceable Classroom. This approach integrates conflict resolution education into the curriculum and classroom management strategy.
· 和平的教室---這個方法是把解決衝突教育逐漸合一的加入課程和教室管理的對策中。
· Peaceable Schools. Built on the peaceable classroom approach, this strategy uses conflict resolution as a system for managing the school as well as the classroom. Every member of the school community, including parents, learns conflict resolution principles and processes.
· 和平的學校—這個方法是建立在和平教室方法的上面,這個策略把解決衝突利用成為一個和教室一樣的一個系統來管理學校。學校共同體的每一個成員,包含父母親,都要學習解決衝突的原則和過程。
The approaches often overlap in actual schools or other institutions. Here's a look at how each approach works in a different program.
2011년 6월 1일 수요일
992.6.2 Trends and Issues: Role of the School Leader
Trends and Issues: Role of the School Leader
Instructional Leadership
1. Teacher Evaluation, Leadership and Learning Organizations.
2. Building a Professional Learning Community.
3. Making Leadership for Learning the Top Priority.
4.Teachers' Perceptions of Principals' Instructional Leadership and Implications.
老師們的觀點: 校長教育的領導才能和應用
5. Instructional Leadership: Learning on the Job.
6. Developing Principals as Instructional Leaders.
7. The Future of Middle Level Reform: A Conversation with the Authors of "Turning Points 2000."
未來中等教育的改革: 和“2000年改變想法”作者的對話
未來中等教育的改革: 和“2000年改變想法”作者的對話
8. Finding Time To Lead.
9. Leslie's Lament: How Can I Make Teacher Supervision Meaningful?
Leslie's Lament: 我如何讓老師的管理有意義?
Leslie's Lament: 我如何讓老師的管理有意義?
10. Capacity Building of Beginning Teachers from Alternative Certification Programs: Implications for Instructional Leadership.
從非傳統的證明計劃中建立新手老師的能力: 教育的領導應用
11. Effective Instructional Leadership: Teachers' Perspectives on How Principals Promote Teaching and Learning in Schools. 有效率的教育領導: 老師觀點有關於校長如何促進學校的教學和學習
12. Curriculum Leadership and Management in Secondary Schools: A Hong Kong Case Study. 在中等學校的課程領導和管理: 一個香港的個案研究
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