2010년 12월 29일 수요일

991.12.30 The Principals' Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

The Principals' Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

Current Programs at The Principals' Center

Programs in Professional Education

National Institute for Urban School Leaders
July 18-23, 2011


National Institute for

Urban School Leaders

July 18-23, 2011 ApplyApplication deadlines:
Early decision: 2/25/11
Regular decision: 3/18/11
Tuition: $2,595
Contact Us Request a Brochure

What You Will Learn 你將學到什麼

Program Overview  課程方案概述

Program Objectives 目標

Who Should Attend 誰應該參加

Faculty Chair  計畫主持人

Enrollment Instructions 報名的說明

Fees  費用

Accommodations  住宿

Cancellation Policy  取消的說明

Contact  聯繫管道

For more information please call 1-800-545-1849
  or email principals@gse.harvard.edu.

2010년 12월 15일 수요일

991.12.16 How to Become a Better Principal

Procedure During Observation
The most important thing about procedure is how people feel about what is being done. In classroom observation, everything the principal does should be motivated by interest, sincerity, kindliness, and professional purpose. If the principal’s motives are not of the highest, no rule of procedure will help him arouse a co-operative response in teacher and pupils. If his motives are genuinely good, then a little clumsiness now and then will not estrange those whom he proposes to help.
The principal should arrange to be in the classroom before the lesson begins. Teachers and pupils usually expect a smile and a word of greeting, though a lengthy talk is out of place. The principal then goes to the back of the room, where he will not distract the pupils, and examines the lesson plan which the teacher has given him. The pupil records and a seating plan are also there, as well as the text and manual. The principal’s attention should be focused upon what the pupils are doing and what the teacher is doing, and not upon any mannerisms of traits peculiar to the teacher. The principal should be alert to what is going on, since both teacher and children react favorably to a responsive observer. A passive observer is annoying, as is one who seems to be oblivious of everything that is going on about him.
During the class, the lesson plan can be used as a guide in following the presentation of the teacher and the text. Pupil records help in interpreting the pupils’ answers and activities. It is usually best not to take any notes during the lesson, because note-taking seem to make most teachers uneasy. However, if the notes are shown to the teacher after the lesson and discussed with him, few teachers mind note taking during observation. Mental notes are necessary, however, as guides to the conference following the lesson. Particularly one should notice how the teacher realizes the objectives of the lesson, and how the lesson leads on to the next day’s work.
Should the principal "take over" when the lesson seems to be going badly? The teacher is making mistakes in presentation of factual information; or he is floundering and not able to get his presentation across; or pupils are noisy and inattentive, or merely listless. The principal may be tempted to take over the class, and show the teacher how it should be done. Except in extreme cases, this temptation should be resisted. If the teacher is unorganized during observation, he probably is at other times also, and intervening will not remedy the condition. More good will result in the long run by an analytical conference afterward, and perhaps a planned demonstration lesson. When a teacher is ineffective, the rule here is the same as for other problem situations: When in doubt, do the kindly thing. Exposing a teacher before his class will not improve his teaching; instead it will remove one prop he may have counted on the principal’s regard for him. An extremely weak teacher should be removed from service, but only after a consistent supervisory program has failed to develop him adequately. So, in visiting a classroom, the principal should consider himself an observer, a visitor, and should not have a mental set which says, "If he can’t do better than that, he should be shown." By all means, in the conference following the lesson, the principal should be frank in his appraisal of weakness, and should make specific plans for helping the teacher.
When the lesson is over, the principal again nods to the teacher, perhaps makes a single pleasant remark to the class, and leaves the room unobtrusively. If the lesson is running overtime, the principle should feel free to leave at the scheduled time, but without interrupting the class, if possible.

Report on Observation and Conference
Teacher Grade Subject
老師  年級 科目
Observation (date) Time to Observer
觀察 (日期) 對觀察者的時間
  1. Type of lesson       課程的類型
  2. Materials used       使用的教材
  3. Activities            活動
  4. Purposes achieved    要達到的目的
  5. Notes for conference 針對會談的記錄
Conference (date) Time to  
會談 (日期)  對於時間
  1. Topics discussed (other than the above) 討論的議題 (其他不是以上提到的)
  2. Comments and suggestions  評論和建議
  3. Principal    校長
  4. Teacher       老師
  5. Proposed follow-up    提議所要跟進的事項


2010년 12월 8일 수요일

991.12.9 Sasha Strike, Newcastle綜合醫院的護士

Sasha Strike, staff nurse at Newcastle General Hospital
Sasha Strike, Newcastle綜合醫院的護士

"[Privatisation] brings poorer quality for our patients. We've seen the private sector brought in for our domestic staff and we've seen the quality dramatically reduce.


"It's cheaper for them to have one member of staff doing the job of three people.


護士 Sasha Strike

"Also in our catering services we've seen the quality of food reduced after closing our kitchens down and bringing in private firms that offer cooked chilled food.


"The quality of that has also dramatically reduced, and we're forever getting complaints from our patients about the poor quality of food that's provided for them.


"It does matter who provides the service.


"It shouldn't be about profit, it shouldn't be about making money, it's about caring for people."


2010년 12월 1일 수요일

991.12.2 The Changing Role of School Boards.


Since the 1980s school boards have been experiencing erosion of power. State regulations have eaten into school board authority from above, while teacher unions and school-based management have worn away at it from below. Instead of viewing recent increased state involvement as usurping school board authority, Conley (1993) sees it as an opportunity for schools to focus their attention on "issues of internal coordination and quality control."

1980年代以來,學校委員會的權力漸漸被侵蝕。州的規定從上「吃掉」學校委員會的權力,而教師工會和學校本位管理則由下磨損學校委員會的權力。Conley (1993)認為,對於近年來州政府的涉入而侵佔學校委員會權力的現象,要把它視為一個機會,學校可以將對他們的注意力集中在「內部協調」和「品質管制」的議題。

Some proposed innovations in governance might actually provide a welcome respite for school boards. Ted Kolderie, of the Minneapolis-based Center for Policy Studies, sees boards associated with charter schools as having greater flexibility as buyers of education (Harrington-Lueker).

一些研議中的管理創新作法,實際上可能會提供一個的學校委員會所歡迎的休養生息機會。明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)政策研究中心的Ted Kolderie認為,委員會與特許學校(charter school)有更大的彈性,如同教育的買方(Harrington-Lueker)

In general, school boards and administrators believe they work best together when there is flexibility between the policy-making and administrative arms of governance (McCurdy). This appears to be in conflict with many recent proposals that advise eliminating any administrative board functions.
