2010년 10월 27일 수요일

991.10.28 How to Build A Better High School

United on the need, perhaps, but not on a course of action. The Bush administration, as part of its No Child Left Behind program, wants more accountability from high schools by requiring them to give annual tests in core subjects and show regular improvement in their results. At the National Education Summit in February, governors and business leaders focused on aligning the high-school curriculum with the demands of college and work. One of the speakers at that summit was Microsoft's Bill Gates, who called high schools "obsolete." He has made another approach, smaller schools, a major target of his philanthropy, with $734 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation going to support 1,500 new high schools with more personal attention. It's a tough sell, Gates says, in part because breaking up big schools "really messes up the football team."!


As a college degree becomes ever more essential in the workplace, much of high-school reform centers on getting as many students as possible ready for higher education. That's what the NEWSWEEK List tries to measure by ranking schools based on participation in AP and IB tests written and graded by outside experts. In these courses, students prepare for the demands of college and can earn college credit if their scores are high enough. NEWSWEEK omitted schools with strict academic admission standards that exclude average students. Although there's much debate about the value of standardized tests and AP in particular, NEWSWEEK's List is based on the conviction that no other standard works as well to measure a high school's success at challenging all students to perform at a high level. AP is the better known of the two programs and is used all over the country. IB is less common. It's a series of college-level courses and tests, similar to AP, originally designed in Geneva for the children of diplomats and international business executives preparing for baccalaureate exams but now used in a range of U.S. schools to energize students.

第四段:當一張大學畢業文憑在工作職場當中變得更不可或缺時,很多的高中改革中心也希望讓更多的學生盡可能地預備好來受更高的教育。這也是NEWSWEEK列表嘗試要根據AP IB紙筆考試的出席率和讓外面的專家來評分來測量出學校的排名。在這些課程當中,學生預備來應付大學的要求,而且如果他們的成績夠高的話他們就可以得到大學的學分。NEWSWEEK刪去學校藉由嚴格的學術許可標準來把中等的學生排除在外。儘管有很多的辯論是特別關於標準測試的價值和APNEWSWEEK的列表是以一個信念為基準,這個信念是也沒有其他的標準工作來測量一間高中的成功,而成功與否是在於挑戰所有學生在一個高的階段中的表現。AP是兩個方案之中較為人所知的,而且是可以普及被用於國家當中的。IB比較沒有這麼的普及。它是一系列大學階段的課程和考試,和AP類似,在最初是在日內瓦針對外交官和國際生意經理的小孩所設計預備可以通過學士學位考試的課程,但是現在被用於美國的學校範圍之中來激勵學生。

2010년 10월 20일 수요일

991.10.21 Heads 'better leaders than MPs'(國會議員)校長們是比國會議員更好的領導者

Heads 'better leaders than MPs'

It shows heads have risen in status, compared to previous polls from the National College for School Leadership.


Head teachers were the second most "respected" professionals after doctors.


The survey, carried out by Mori, says that more than half of the public believe that head teachers are "particularly good leaders" - better than army officers, the police and doctors.


2010년 10월 13일 수요일

Heads' college builds for future

Heads' hotel <住宿學習 Living togethder & Learning togethder >
Now it will have purpose-built premises, which will provide conference facilities and residential courses for up to 20,000 delegates a year.


The design is intended to be open, inviting and modern

It is a mixture of training centre and hotel, within a style-conscious building, with light-filled open areas, plenty of bare wood and steel.


The leadership college was initially dubbed the "Sandhurst for schools", but it feels more like a Scandinavian business park.


There is a strong emphasis on technology, with online computers in the delegates' bedrooms and screens and whiteboards wherever you look.


This reflects that the building will be the hub of a virtual network of head teachers, who participate in an online community.


2010년 10월 6일 수요일

991.10.7 Help Wanted: Qualified Principals

More than ever, strong school leadership is recognized as a key to school improvement. Strong leaders are needed to set school goals and to develop plans and motivate teachers to achieve those goals.
If statistics are any indication, the need for strong leaders will grow in the years ahead. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 10 to 20 percent increase in the need for school administrators through 2005. Among the new positions, the number of assistant principals is expected to grow as districts hire additional assistant principals rather than open new schools to help with an increasing workload and expanding student enrollment.
But is there a sufficient pool of qualified -- and "quality" -- candidates to fill future openings?
如果統計數值指出,對於優秀學校的領導者的需求在這幾年將會成長。The Bureau of Labor Statistics 預期從2005對於學校管理人的需求比例將會成長百分之十到百分之二十。在這些新的位置當中,當很多地區錄用另外的校長助理時,校長助理的數量是被預期會成長的;而不是開新學校幫助不斷增加的工作量和擴大學生的入學率。
About half of the districts surveyed for this report said they had encountered a shortage of qualified candidates for the principal positions they attempted to fill last year.
However, it is important to point out, survey respondents showed no dissatisfaction with the people they did hire. Indeed, most superintendents felt the candidates they hired were well-prepared and -qualified.


Shortages were reported in all types of schools -- rural, urban, and suburban.
Was There a Surplus, a Shortage, or About the Right Number of Qualified Candidates?(by community type)社區型
About the
Right Number
Rural Schools
8 percent
52 percent
40 percent
Suburban Schools
8 percent
45 percent
47 percent
Urban Schools
7 percent
47 percent
46 percent
All Respondents
8 percent
50 percent
42 percent

 Shortages were reported at all levels -- elementary, junior/middle, and high schools.

Was There a Surplus, a Shortage, or About the Right Number of Qualified Candidates?(by school level) 學校等級
About the
Right Number
Elementary School
6 percent
55 percent
38 percent
Junior/Middle School
6 percent
55 percent
38 percent
High School
9 percent
47 percent
44 percent
All Respondents
8 percent
50 percent
42 percent